Seasonal weather forecast

Seasonal weather forecast is updated once a month. It is made in the form of textual bulletin and graphics for 7 months in advance. It contains information on forecasted deviation of mean monthly minimum and maximum air temperature as well as mean monthly precipitation quantity.

Forecast date: 20.09.2024.

Forecasted mean min. and max. temperature values Forecasted mean monthly precipitation quantity
 Forecasted mean values for min. and max. temperature  Forecasted mean monthly precipitation quantity
The Figure contains graphics for mean monthly minimum and maximum air temperature in ºС (left graphics) and mean monthly precipitation quantity in mm (right graphics) for Belgrade.

SEPTEMBER 2024: In most of Serbia, warmer and averagely wet, in southern Serbia warmer and drier September. Continuation of late summer in the first decade of September.

The mean minimum air temperature in September is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from around 3,0ºС to 5.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean September minimum temperature is forecast to be 16.7ºС. The mean maximum air temperature in September is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from around 3.0ºС to 5.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean September maximum temperature will be 27.1ºС. The mean precipitation sums in September are forecast to be within the multiannual average, from around 5 mm below the multiannual average, in southern Serbia, they are expected to be below the multiannual average from around 5 mm to 10 mm below the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean September precipitation sums are forecast to be around 39 mm.

OCTOBER 2024: In most of Serbia, warmer and averagely wet, in eastern and southern Serbia warmer and drier October. Indian summer.

The mean minimum air temperature in October is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 1.0ºС to 2.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean minimum October temperature is forecast to be 10.5ºС. The mean maximum air temperature in October is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 1.0ºС to 2.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean October maximum temperature is forecast to be 19.0ºС. The mean precipitation sums in October are forecast to be within the multiannual average, from around 5 mm below the multiannual average in most of Serbia, in eastern and southern Serbia, they are expected to be below the multiannual average, from around 5 mm to 10 mm below the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean October precipitation sums are forecast to be around 38 mm.

NOVEMBER 2024: Slightly warmer and averagely wet November.

The mean minimum air temperature in November is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 0.5ºС to 1.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean minimum November temperature is forecast to be 5.1ºС. The mean maximum air temperature in November is forecast to be within the multiannual average, around 0.5ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean November maximum temperature will be 11.4ºС. The mean precipitation sums in November are forecast to be within the multiannual average, around 5 mm below the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean November precipitation sums are forecast to be around 38 mm.

DECEMBER 2024: Milder and averagely wet December.

The mean minimum air temperature in December is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 0.5ºС to 1.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean December minimum temperature is forecast to be 1.3ºС. The mean maximum air temperature in December is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 0.5ºС to 1.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean December maximum temperature is forecast to be 7.2ºС. The mean precipitation sums in December are forecast to be within the multiannual average, around 5 mm above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean December precipitation sums are forecast to be around 45 mm.

JANUARY 2025: Milder and averagely wet January. In the third decade of January, moderate to severe morning frosts may occur.

The mean minimum air temperature in January is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from around 0.5ºС to 1.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean December minimum temperature is forecast to be 0.6ºС. The mean maximum air temperature in January is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 0.5ºС to 1.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean January maximum temperature is forecast to be 5.9ºС. The mean precipitation sums in January are forecast to be within the multiannual average, around 5 mm below the multiannual average in the entire country. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean January precipitation sums are forecast to be around 45 mm.

FEBRUARY 2025: Milder and averagely wet February. In the first half of February, moderate morning frosts may occur.

The mean minimum air temperature in February is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 1.0ºС to 2.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean February minimum temperature is forecast to be 2.4ºC. The mean maximum air temperature in February is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 1.0ºС to 2.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean February maximum temperature is forecast to be 9.5ºC. The mean precipitation sums in February are forecast to be within the multiannual average, around 5 mm below the multiannual average in most of the country. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean February precipitation sums are forecast to be around 43 mm.

MARCH 2025: In most of Serbia, milder and drier, in southwestern Serbia milder and averagely wet March.

The mean minimum air temperature in March is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 0.5ºC to 1.0ºC above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean March minimum temperature is forecast to be 5.4ºC. The mean maximum air temperature in March is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 0.5ºC to 1.5ºC above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean March maximum temperature is forecast to be 14.0ºC. The mean precipitation sums in March are forecast to be below the multiannual average, from around 5 mm to 10 mm below the multiannual average in most of the country, in southwestern Serbia they will remain within the multiannual average up to 5 mm below the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean March precipitation sums are forecast to be around 27 mm.

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